Pycast - Weekly screencasts on Python and DataScience by Matt Harrison.
Matt is bootstrapping pycast through kickstarter. I'm excited about it because I've attended Matt's tutorials and came away feeling leveled up on my Python chops.
Nearly 5 years ago I was getting started in Python and learning on my own by writing small scripts to automate silly stuff. I wasn't writing anything adventurous and I was looking for a way to improve my skills.
Right around that time I started getting involved in the open source community in Utah and decided to go to a local conference. Matt was doing a 3 hour tutorial that covered beginner to intermediate Python. When the session was over I felt empowered. I couldn't wait to get back home to do the exercises that he had laid out during the training. After working through them I felt like I really knew the language. I was writing generators and decorators by the end of it. It was an accelerated learning experience that took me from a novice to a journeyman.
The beauty of his training is, it wasn't merely a brain dump, he was teaching me to how to learn, where to look up the docs, how to recognize idiomatic python and best practices of programming.
I eventually landed a job doing full time Python at an awesome company.
That's why I'm excited about his new venture. This is a great opportunity for me to dive into Data Science and I can't wait to see his videos and workout the exercises.
If you're still on the fence about it, leave a comment on his kickstarter page with your question. He's a friendly and responsive person.