Vita Brevis [Ars Longa]

InnerVoice: That is latin for "Life is Short, Art is Long". 

Me: Yeah, I know, I'm a little behind on my personal projects.
InnerVoice: Try waaaaay behind. There are at least ten tabs open at home and five tabs open at work 
Me: I'll get to it. They are not going anywhere.
InnerVoice: BTW, those unread emails with some tutorial links isn't gonna master itself, you know.
Me: Hmmm..... 
InnerVoice: Are you even listening to me?
Me: Barely. I'm still thinking about my first Hapkido class tomorrow. 
InnerVoice: Well, there goes the Wednesday nights.
Me: BTW, I agreed to present a brief tutorial on Git at the SLLUG meeting next Wednesday (Nov 17). 
InnerVoice: What? Are you crazy?
Me: Well how else am I going to make a good first impression?
InnerVoice: You do realize, you've never been to one of those meetings, right?
Me: Yeah, but they seem like nice people. I'm sure I'll be fine. 
InnerVoice: *Shakes Head* Hopeless, utterly hopeless.
Me: *Grinning with glee*

It's awesome when life gets busy.